Friday, December 5, 2008

Okay, so....

Okay, so.... I've been busy. But as of last night, at around 9:15 p.m., my mind is free and clear. I have a new found boost of energy. I can sigh a big sigh of relief and move on to my daily duties and projects that plague me. Last night was our Relief Society Christmas dinner and program. I have been consumed by the preparations for this event for many weeks now, and I feel as if I can live my life tip toeing through the tulips. Okay, maybe not so fast. I have to teach the lesson in RS on Sunday. I know! But it's all good. I just have to keep telling that to myself, over and over and over.

The dinner and program turned out great! (Thank Heavens) I'm so mad that I forgot to take pictures, because they would've been priceless. The decorations were pretty, my ultra-talented friend and RS co-presidency member Holly and her loverly (yes, I meant to write loverly) sisters entertained the Regal Sisters of our ward with their angelic voices, instrumental pieces, and fun little anecdotes. I'm talking goosebumps, increased heart palpitations, and teary eyes, people! And Holly's clippity-clop actions, and her imitation of a neighing horse was priceless. Priceless. Oh how I wish I had my camcorder...

At the end of the evening, we had some of the children from the ward act out the nativity. So sweet and cute! My husband was the narrator (I only had to twist his arm a few times to get him to do this) and he did a wonderful job. He used his "spiritual" voice. When ever he reads spiritual material his voice softens and becomes angelic like. I'm pretty sure, a halo pops up above his head every time he uses his special voice. My friend, Amy, said he would make a good phone sex operator. Can you imagine it? "Hey babe, how 'bout slippin' into something more my bed. Ooooo yeahhhhhh."

Anyway, I'd like to take this moment to tell everyone that helped last night, and those that came, THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Here's a picture of our beautiful Christmas tree. Can you hear the choirs of angels singing? Laaaaaaaaaa...

Here's a cute little guy. I made these gingerbread men out of muslin, then I stuffed them, painted them, sanded them, stained them in my special coffee, cinnamon and vanilla mixture, then glued on the cute little do-dads. They are some of my favorite things to make!


  1. You did such a wonderful job with the program and dinner! It was great. I love your gingerbread man. So cute. Enjoy your down time...until the next one!

  2. The program sounds so great! It makes me wish I was still in your Ward, but then you wouldn't have Holly so I think you won overall.

    Your gingerguy is too cute! I can't believe the extent you go to to make those guys!!!

    That is FUNNY about the phone sex comment.

  3. Sounds like you kicked some RS butt with that program. Good work!

  4. Sounds wonderful.. Glad you survived the planning and execution of the RS program always a positive. Your tree is beautiful and gingerbread men are adorable. Love ya bunches, Wendy

  5. It was a wonderful program! Thanks for all your hard work and all you do for the sisters in our ward. I love your gingerbread man!

  6. Wish I could have made it!! I wasn't feeling too good :(

    However, I have no doubt in my mind that it was a wonderful night. You all do such a fabulous job!!

  7. I have been checking your blog frequently and have missed you, so I am glad life can get back to normal for you! You always do such a good job on everything you do!

    I did a full body shudder over the phone sex comment, just not seeing it(:

  8. Love the gingerbread man! Very cute! You are soo talented. I'm also glad to hear you survived enrichment night. Happy Holidays!

  9. wish i could've been there. my brother had his wedding dinner. sounds like it turned out great. your tree is GORGEOUS!

  10. I think it's hilarious that you liked the 'neighing' so much. And the clippity clop. I almost didn't do it because it's SOOOOOOO embarassing. But none of my other sisters would, so it fell on ME. RUDE!

    The whole evening turned out great. You did a FANTASTIC job!

  11. I want to hear Holly's clippity clop, and neighing. I have a feeling I will never hear that though.

    BTW has anyone EVER told you you were talented??
    Only a couple million times, you say?
    Well heres one more, cute gingerbread man!


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