Saturday, November 15, 2008


"Conner, where are the papers?" I ask.
Conner replies, "Ody, Ody, Ody!"

"Where are they?"
"Are they over there?"
Conner looks "over there" and says, "Eh?"

"I don't think they are in the laundry, Conner."

"Eh?" he says.

"I don't think the papers are in the vacuum."

"Where are they?"

"Dadda! Dadda! Dadda! Dadda! Dadda!"


  1. I'm confused! Were you talking about the paper on the back of his cute little head? Or did Dada vacuum them up? Either way baby-talk is so cute!

  2. HAHA... that is cute!

  3. The Conner voice in my head keeps repeating "Ody Ody Ody" and I believe that's my favorite part of the story!

  4. I hate when you can't get a straight answer! Very cute, though!

  5. He is too cute. I love the Ody. He can never just say it once!

  6. LOL!! How CUTE!! He is such a cutie patootie!

  7. I love baby talk. I have been meaning to do a post of my favorite things Jaimen says. Its just, I need to write them down exactly when he says them, or else I can't figure out how I should spell it.

    Ody, Ody, Ody... to cute.

  8. Too cute. I wish I could come down and see him in person but I guess this will just have to do.. I do love you guys, Give them all a hug and kiss for me!! Wendy

  9. He knows what he means! He wonders why everyone else doesn't, i'm sure! What a fun stage!

  10. Love the post it note on the back of his head! Too cute! What a fun baby.


Tell me what you think... only if it compliments me and my, sometimes humorous, sometimes weird, sometimes creative, post! No meanies allowed!