Friday, June 6, 2008

Flashback Friday - Locks of Love

I thought I'd give my darling readers a break from my LVHS flashbacks. Instead, I'm going to dive into the South Side Elementary school pictures today. And let me tell ya, this one is a keeper!

I was age 10 and in the fourth grade, when my mom finally had enough of trying to comb through my long flowing locks of golden hair on a daily basis. It was a battle every day. I would try to run away from the pain and torture and mom would yank me back, with the hair brush still entwined with in the masses of snarls in my hair. To solve this problem she took me to the beauty parlor and instructed the hair stylist to CHOP IT OFF!

Through much trial and error, she tried desperately to style my new do. Hot rollers, feathering, hair spray, curling iron, and finally.... the dreaded OGILVIE HOME PERM. It was torture. The fumes, the burns, the "rinse cycle", and the uneatable chemical fro. If any of you had to encounter this manner of home styled beautification, you will remember that you had to endure three days of NOT washing your hair or over-combing it, for the fear that the chemical fro would flatten. I remember several attempts of trying to give me an Ogilvie Home Perm and sadly, none of them really took. Flat in some areas, curly in others. It was an effort not to be forgotten mom.

This lovely ensemble was sewn by, none other than, my mom. Notice the fancy red stitching.

Here are some other folks that tested the waters of the Ogilvie Home Perm.

Wilma chose to throw caution into the air and used the "pink" rollers. "What the heck! Let's go for it!" she told her sister-in-law Beatrice. Thus, creating the tiny, tight curls that she had always dreamed of.

Beatrice was so impressed with just how natural the curls formed to Wilma's head, she decided to purchase an Ogilvie Home Perm for herself. Her results turned out much worse, though. She was over confident and tried to roll the curlers and apply the chemicals with out any assistance. It resulted in a chemical burn and a visit to the emergency room.

In the 80's, you weren't considered a "happening" kinda guy if you didn't sport the "Tom Selleck". Stache, included.

This guy obviously left the Ogilvie Home Perm on too long.
He thought to him self, " 10 minutes will not do! I must achieve maximum fro!"


  1. Oh I remember the perm, although my mom never took pictures when my hair was dry. Therefor you couldn't see how much of a fro it really was. I just have alot of pictures of me freshly showered, with cute little curls. She probably destroyed the bad ones.

  2. I know those perms all too well. Strangely, my hair is naturally curly, so why did I insist on perming it?? Oh well. I ienjoyed this post!

  3. My mom tried to perm my hair a few times, its just too straight! Love the pics and especially your dress. HOT!

  4. My mom permed my hair once too! My hair has been "naturally" partly wavy ever since. I remember the different sizes of curlers. My sister got her hair permed several times, and hers always turned out great. But I think she went to a salon.

    I love your sweet dress. Great post! I especially enjoyed the guy-perm pics.


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